Kindly pray for our ministry projects, If God leads you to support any of the above mentioned projects, Kindly send your generous donations and support this ministry. Please Contact us.
We need you, our partners and friends, to step up to the challenge brought before us. Pray along with us that God will lay it on the hearts of many to make monthly commitments to these orphan children / pastors / widows / feeding poor. The amount you sent is hardly noticeable, yet it makes a huge difference in a culture such as in India. It is personal confirmation to them of God's promise to provide for them as they labor in the fields for Him.
If you have any questions or concerns or if you would like to make a one-time donation, please contact us; Please allow us to be your link to reaching out into all the world, to insure that the Gospel is being presented to the lost in places most don't even know exist.
You can also donate through PayPal link below: