James 1:27 NIV --Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
India has about three times the American population living in one third of the space. Introduce intense poverty, famine, drought, natural disasters, AIDS, and malaria, and you have a recipe for tragedy and, most significantly, unaccompanied children. In such conditions, it is no surprise that many parents die, leaving their children to a nation unable to take care of them. On the streets, children are disturbingly vulnerable; evil adults will cripple orphaned children in order to use them for begging.
It is also no surprise that children are often abandoned, particularly handicapped children and baby girls (whose dowries will put unbearable financial burdens on their parents). If girls are not abandoned, they might be killed soon after birth or married off at nine years old to a man 30 years older than them.
The Refuge of Christ Ministries India is a non-profit Christian mission dedicated to the rescue of orphans and widows through third world church planting and orphan outreach. Through your support of Refuge of Christ Ministries India, you can ensure that orphans and unaccompanied minors will not suffer through any of the above fates. In fact, you will ensure their shelter, food, medical care, and most importantly, loving familial relationships.
It's a home not an institution; Refuge of Christ Orphan caring the orphans by providing shelter, food, clothing, education and medication. Our Children home has a family atmosphere based on love and compassion.
We're committed to:
Providing resources that meet the sustained physical, emotional and spiritual needs of children under our care.Sharing the message of the transforming power of Christ's love and compassion through words and action to each child.
Building awareness of the despair faced by orphan children around the world and the ways in which their needs can be addressed.
Partnering with nationals and other organizations to maximize efficiency.
Fostering development efforts that bring about self-sufficiency of individual homes and the children raised in them.
REFUGE OF CHRIST CHILDREN HOME provides an effective method of meeting both the spiritual and physical needs of each orphan. Support the rescue and care of Indian orphans with your generous gift. Please let us know how you would like us to apply your gift and specify if it's ongoing monthly support or one time gift. If each day you can make a small sacrifice of donating a dollar or two to support one child in our orphanage, you are helping a child to build his or her life. Please consider either supporting our land and building project or adopting a child in our orphanage. You, too, can then become part of our dream of making a positive difference in the lives of these poor children.